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How much news is too much news?

By Shivangi Mathew

Over the last few months, the headlines have been anxiety-inducing, inundated with news related to the coronavirus, number of cases, evolving lockdown restrictions, many worries are ranging from keeping our loved ones safe and healthy to concerns regarding the economy, layoffs and job security. While its crucial to stay informed about current affairs, consuming too much of it can also take a toll on your mental health.
Too much overloading your phone.

Credit: Emma Russell

As media has a sensation nature of running 24/7, it remains the key source of health information and dissemination, we need to be cautious as our brain responds to stress and negative news as a threat which leads to the production of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol which can have a negative effect on our physical and mental health.

This eventually leads to anxiety which can make it difficult to concentrate on day to day tasks and over a long term could even lead to the feeling on depression.

In such times it is important to manage news consumption more than ever. One can feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of headlines, time regulating your news consumption can really help.
The impact of too much news

Credit: Lara Antal

Various social media platforms also help set parameters with their apps, developing a routine that allows one to stay up to date with the important updates, one may also consider changing notifications on news apps to limit unnecessary exposure throughout the day.

Consider signing up for a daily newsletter or podcast which summarize the important headlines of the day, saving time and energy while also limiting the news intake.

News right before bed should be avoided as it is likely to induce anxiety and keep one’s mind racing, one might also consider turning off notifications or putting your phone on Do Not Disturb while you’re sleeping.

While many parts of the world have started to heal from Covid-19 some countries are still struggling and suffering so it’s very important for one to take proper care and precautions for themselves and their loved ones!



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