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Acts of Humanity Across the World

By Shivangi Mathew

The Coronavirus outbreak has taken us all by surprise. Some describe it as a never-ending horror movie, while others say they feel like the entire world has been turned upside down. But one thing that we have all seen is how the entire world came together as one big community, prevailing kindness in such uncertain times.

Image by Arun Gulla

On the 8th of April 2021 in Mumbai, India a Covid-positive mother, Minal Vernekar aged 32 died due to a cardiac arrest seconds after the birth of her premature baby, Ivaan. Since the baby was allergic the formula milk a wave of lactating women reached out to Chetan Vernekar, (the father) to offer their breast milk, the mothers regularly supplied breast milk for Ivaan from various parts of the city and even some from outside the city, which is the only reason the child was able to survive and was discharged from the hospital.

All of this was made possible because of a Facebook group called Breastfeeding Support for Indian Women where the father, Chetan Vernekar went seeking for help and through the posts of several other people on different platforms spreading the word, who joined in to help the premature baby survive!

As the national capital became the Covid-19 containment zones, many families and socio-religious groups took an initiative to provide free home cooked healthy meals for the patients in home isolation who could not take care of themselves.

The Sikh community is known to serve the community relentlessly and selflessly, be it celebrations, pandemics, or natural disasters. During the pandemic, their role doubled up as they have been altruistically feeding the hungry. Gurudwaras were dedicated to Covid patients to isolate themselves and oxygen arrangements were made free of cost.

Fitness instructor in Spain held rooftop workout sessions amid coronavirus lockdown, as he refused to let the pandemic make him or his neighbours unfit while in quarantine. Unable to hit the gym or attend workout sessions, several people followed the instructor as he performed his exercise routine.

These are a few small examples of initiatives taken by people that show us how small acts of humanity can make a difference to so many and how during tough times, people come together as a community.

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